Originally from Pennsylvania, Mike went to William & Mary which is located in Williamsburg, Virginia. After graduation, Mike decided to stay in Virginia to begin his career. As a veteran of the custom home building business, Mike started his business after a stint on Wall Street as a commodity broker. As of 1986, Michael C. Brown Custom Builder & Renovations became Williamsburg Virginia’s most sought after custom builder; building the region’s most iconic luxury homes in Governor’s Land at Two Rivers, Kingsmill and Ford’s Colony. His experience of 50+ years brought Mike and his family to Montana to retire; but retirement wasn’t in the cards for Mike so he sought out a position that would highlight his experience. As Mike states; “I was fortunate that Pete and Robert looked at my experience rather than my age. It’s very difficult to go from building the region’s biggest and most expensive homes to taxi driver for my kids going to school; I had to make a change. My goal was to find something to do within the high-end custom business that would allow me to help the company and meet good people; I’m happy to say that both have occurred. Pete has truly developed a truly top rate operation and his devotion to his clients is unmatched which is probably the biggest attraction for me.”
Michael Brown
Michael Brown
Big Sky, MT